Super Science Showcase Content Guidelines
NO Sexual Content. Including discussions of sexual/gender identity or orientation.
NO Cursing.
NO Gratuitous Violence. While many of our adventure stories feature action, including guns and battle scenes, violence is kept at commonly accepted PG-levels.
Fair & Balanced Approach to History. SSS believes in a fair, non-judgmental approach to history, presenting an unbiased view of the past that highlights both its positives and negatives.
Personal Statement from Creator Lee Fanning
"As Creative Director I have final approval of all content produced for Super Science Showcase. While many people work in many different capacities on SSS materials, and we all come from varying backgrounds, with varying beliefs and opinions, ultimately I am steering the ship, and it's up to me to ensure that Super Science Showcase materials reflect the values that I hold most dear. I do not take this responsibility lightly.
"I will work to ensure SSS materials are appropriate for and appeal most directly to children, aged 9 to 14, while also more broadly appealing to any age; I will work to ensure SSS materials make a special commitment to appeal to the general tastes of boy readers, though not at the expense of girl readers; and I will continue to ensure a post-Enlightenment, Judeo-Christian value system is the prominent moral core of SSS materials."
My Primary Influences for Super Science Showcase
The work of George Lucas. Especially the original six Star Wars films and the Young Indiana Jones Chronicles.
Batman: The Animated Series. TV Series.
Wishbone. TV Series.
Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future. TV Series.
The comic book work of Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko, Floyd Gottfredson & Carl Barks.
The work of Robert Heinlein. Especially his famous run of juvenile novels.
The work of Raymond Chandler.
The work of Orson Welles.
Classic Disney. Material produced during Walt Disney's lifetime.
The work of Jim Henson.
The work of Rudyard Kipling.
The work of Mark Twain.
Our Approach to Education
Creative Director & SSS Creator Lee Fanning discusses the SSS approach to educational material in this video produced for a national home school conference.